There are 23 Words of Women and 23 .Words of Men Mentioned. The Human Chromosome is 46. Thats a Miricle.

How do we know that a script is not written by a mortal human ?

There must be something miricle in it that is beyond human capabilities.

The Holy Quran is conveyed by Prophet Muhammad (Peace Upon Him) is a the words from God Himself and has many miricles to it such as it can be memorized all of it. And many hafiz (people who are gifted to memorized)

What so special about it ?

For example The word women and men are mention 23 times each. The human chromosome is 46.

The Quran talks in details about the process of birth that an expert embryologist was shocked how can Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) can know such details in the 7th century something that medical science just knew in the 60s and 70s after advanced microscope and embryology was found. Unless its THE WORDS OF GOD (ALLAH SWT).

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